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snacks on display at a convenience store

August 14, 2024

Five Ways Convenience Store Snack Shoppers Are Changing

Discover five key trends shaping C-store snack shopping and strategies for retailers to boost sales.

Today’s convenience store shoppers are turning traditional snacking on its head with their changing spending habits and taste for variety. The new 2024 Convenience Store News Industry Report unwraps these evolving consumer behaviors, highlighting shifting demographics, a growing demand for healthier options and encouraging signs for private labels.

Here are five ways C-store shoppers are changing – and how savvy stores can respond.


Increasingly Younger C-Store Snack Shoppers

Gen Z is not just snacking; they’re spending. With more money at their disposal, this generation is 3x more likely to frequent C-stores compared to older generations like Baby Boomers. Gen Z is keen on discovering new products and flavors (they’ve got a taste for bold and spicy flavor profiles in particular). Research found that 38% of Gen Zers are seeking our new flavors and products and have $360 billion in spending power. This growing buying power makes it essential for stores to keep their pulse on the latest snack and grocery trends and stock up on the innovations that excite these young consumers.


They’re Blurring Lines Between Meals & Snacks

With more consumers working remotely, snacks that pack a meal’s punch are in high demand. The report highlights how snacks, once a quick bite, are now a significant part of mealtimes with items like nutrition bars and trail mixes seeing an uptick in consumption. To capitalize on this trend, stores can bolster their offerings with substantial, satisfying options like ready-to-eat popcorn and mixed nuts, ensuring these filling choices are prominently displayed and easily accessible for the grab-and-go consumer.


They’re Shifting Toward Store Brands 

Gone are the days when brand names were the only game in town. Sales of private label products hit a record high in 2023. Consumers are now regularly reaching for private labels, praising their exceptional blend of quality and value. Research found that 76% of shoppers who purchase private label for the first time will purchase them again on their next purchase. Smart, eye-catching center store merchandising options from Retail Space Solutions can spotlight these cost-conscious options, driving sales and deepening shopper loyalty.


They’re Embracing Healthier Options

Health is truly becoming wealth in the snack aisles. The report shows a 2.4% increase in alternative snack sales since last year, reaching $3,365 million. Specifically, health/energy bars alone surged by 13.2% in sales, demonstrating a clear shift toward options that offer nutritional benefits beyond mere satisfaction.


They’re Snacking Like Clockwork 

Consistency is key in the world of snacking. The report finds that 63% of snack buyers and 62% of candy/gum purchasers are sticking to their purchase routines, with 17% even increasing their snack purchases. This consistency highlights the ingrained nature of snacking as a daily habit for many and underscores the importance of keeping snacks top-of-mind with display solutions like SimpliStock™ Peg and the SpaceGrid® II On Bar System, which enhance visibility, grow sales and foster repeat business.

As snack variety grows, the need for organized retail spaces becomes paramount. Retail Space Solutions offers a range of versatile merchandising solutions that accommodate increasingly diverse product ranges. Browse our complete line of solutions to see how they can enhance the shopping experience and meet consumer expectations for efficiency and convenience.